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About Us

Anita Musioł

publisher and founder of Pauza

Books are my passion, publishing is what I do best. Over the years, working for large publishers, I dreamed of doing it all on my own: building a publishing house from scratch, choosing books for my list, shaping and deciding what and how I publish. 
anita ksiazki
Anita Musioł

Who am I?

I graduated from the University of Warsaw with two MA degrees, in Applied Linguistics and American Studies. I’ve been working in the book business on the Polish market since 1998. For over 15 years, I was in charge of publishing and editorial departments for the biggest publishers on the Polish market: Egmont Polska (2002-2011), Świat Książki (2011-2013) and Grupa Wydawnicza Foksal / W.A.B. (2013-2016). I was responsible for strategy, publishing plans, budgeting, foreign rights, and production. Over the years, I published thousands of titles in various genres: upmarket fiction and nonfiction, chick lit, children’s books and YA, self-help and cookbooks.

After leaving my last corporate job in 2017, I decided to make my dream come true and strike out on my own. I built my own boutique publishing house, specializing in literary foreign fiction. The first book (Legend of a Suicide by David Vann, pictured) by Wydawnictwo Pauza was published in January 2018. In the first year of its existence, Pauza released 5 books in total. The following year, 10 new titles were published. The „pandemic” year 2020 saw the launch of 13 new titles, an online store, and Pauza podcast. By the end of 2021, Pauza’s fourth year of operation, the total came to 41 titles. By mid-2023 there are a total of 60 Pauza titles on the market!

2021 also saw the launch of Pauza’s first audiobook titles, as well as a nonfiction series. The last Thursday of every month, Pauza’s readers gather for our monthly book club meetings. 

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My goal and mission is to continue bringing wonderful new writers from all over the world to the Polish literary scene! Stay tuned!

Pauza Publishing House

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